
New Year Bug in At Command

Written 14 years ago by Mike Cardwell

If you’re writing an “at” job today, to run at the beginning of the New Year, make sure you check when “at” states the job is going to run. On my up to date Debian Stable (Lenny) system running “at” version 3.1.9, “tomorrow” is a year out. Same problem exists on my up to date Ubuntu box running “at” version 3.1.11:

mike@alfa:~$ date
Fri Dec 31 12:48:04 GMT **2010**

mike@alfa:~$ echo|at today
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 5 at Fri Dec 31 12:48:00 **2010**

mike@alfa:~$ echo|at tomorrow
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 6 at Sun Jan  1 12:48:00 **2012**

I wonder if this happens every year?

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