I know a number of you use some code which I wrote (gpgit) for automatically encrypting your incoming email with your public PGP key. I just did a dist-upgrade on my mail server, (a Debian Testing box) and it broke hard. One of the modules it uses is Mail::GnuPG. Mail::GnuPG uses GnuPG::Interface. Doing the dist-upgrade, upgraded GnuPG::Interface from version 0.46 to 0.48. Unfortunately, a change in 0.48 (or perhaps 0.47) has broken Mail::GnuPG, and in turn, gpgit.
If you’re going to upgrade, apply the following patch to your systems Mail/GnuPG.pm file first:
--- GnuPG.pm.ORIG 2014-03-12 17:07:52.209701232 +0000
+++ GnuPG.pm 2014-03-12 17:11:22.161473944 +0000
@@ -478,10 +478,12 @@
my @keys = $gnupg->get_public_keys();
foreach my $key (@keys) {
- foreach my $uid ($key->user_ids) {
- # M::A may not parse the gpg stuff properly. Cross fingers
- my ($a) = Mail::Address->parse($uid->as_string); # list context, please
- $key_cache{$a->address}=1 if ref $a;
+ foreach ($key->user_ids) {
+ foreach my $uid (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : ($_)) {
+ # M::A may not parse the gpg stuff properly. Cross fingers
+ my ($a) = Mail::Address->parse($uid->as_string); # list context, please
+ $key_cache{$a->address}=1 if ref $a;
+ }
I’ve reported this as a critical bug to both the Mail::GnuPG and GnuPG::Interface packagers: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93797 https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93826 I’m hoping it gets fixed in GnuPG::Interface as that seems to be being actively developed whereas Mail::GnuPG isn’t.
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